75% of Gen-Zers Want to Build a Business. Why?

Don't hate me for this millennials, but I am very bullish on the idea that Gen-Zers have recognized many of the struggles of millennials, baby boomers, etc., and are looking for solutions to have a value-driven life. 
Entrepreneurship is one of the most challenging routes, but it gives us the highest chances of building a life of value while paying the bills and building a future in a time when the security blankets of past generations are no longer there, such as pensions and social security. 
I am ecstatic about this generation that is willing to take chances and go against the norm to build the dream that is in our minds! 
Check out: https://www.forbes.com/sites/juliekratz/2024/03/03/what-gen-z-entrepreneurs-want/# 

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