Why Cudo?

If I were to anticipate the first question you would ask me, it would likely be about the thought process of building a communication platform in an era crowded by social communication. My question is, are the current social platforms set up to add value or contribute to positive outcomes for their users?
Countless studies show the need and benefits for people to be social while simultaneously showing negative health effects, wasted time, and a dumbing down caused by using the current platforms. Driven by a personal mission of constantly finding ways to develop myself and leave a positive impact on others, I started on a road of around three years of brainstorming, refining, and then building what is now known as Cudo.
The mission of Cudo is simple - "To develop a community of critical thinkers who inspire one another through authentic and intellectual interaction that empower growth and positive social impact." We have made it our focus to prioritize addressing the negative impacts the current platforms are having by defining three key pillars to build Cudo on. These three main ideas are to create impactful conversation, develop personal growth, and do this in a safe environment. We are confident that by targeting these three pi...

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